An up to date listing of Alumni Awards for Academic/ Performance Excellence 2017-18
My dear GCC friends and Alumni,
There have been a few developments worth Sharing with the GCC community, initiated by the Alumni Association.
We strongly support and encourage our existing students to pursue their academic activities putting their mind and soul. Our students do their best in whatever area they enter into, let that be academic excellence, leadership development, model citizenship, art and dramatics, track and field events and so on. We, as the ex- students of GCC cherish the memories of our college days and honestly wish that the present generation of students inherit the GCC culture and pass it on to the generations to come. The Association is now co – ordinating with various individuals, families, organizations etc for sponsorship/ financial support/ and personal involvement in our endeavor. As a result of the combined efforts put in by the Principal, Members of the General Body of the Association, Executive Committee, PTA and the present faculties and Ex – faculties we could achieve the following endowments –
Physics Degree Music Degree Music PG Philosophy degree Economics Degree Citizenship (NSS)
Zoology Degree Champion of Track/Field Theatrical Art…
Let us acknowledge the magnanimity of each of the s[onsors for their great minds and the financial support.
We look forward to donors for more donors for all subjects that are not covered. Alumni Association and PTA are planning together to organize an Award Evening where all the winners & their parents will be honored. The College Council and the Departments are taking expert measures to identify the awardees.
A detailed description of each of the endowments will be given separately elsewhere.